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“Having something doesn’t mean anything until you learn how to use it" Bikram


One of Bikram’s famous sayings is, “Having something doesn’t mean anything until you learn how to use it.” He often shared an example from his own life—how he has a big swimming pool in his house, but what good is the pool if someone doesn’t know how to swim?

This simple statement holds so much wisdom, especially when we think about human potential. We all have talents, energy, and opportunities, but unless we learn how to channel them in the right direction, they don’t mean much.

When I first moved to the US, I came with a very different plan in mind. Like many of my peers, I came to study computer science, secure a good job, and chase the dream of a successful career. I had the education, the ambition, and the resources at my disposal. But something was missing. It felt like I had all the ingredients, but I wasn’t making anything out of them.

That summer of ‘98, I stumbled into Bikram Yoga teacher training. I wasn’t planning on it—it was just something to fill my time during the break. But it became a turning point. I had no idea that this practice, this community, would become the key to unlocking a potential within me I didn’t even know existed.

Bikram’s words started to make sense: “Having something” was like me having a brain for computers, a visa for a new life in America, or a studio for yoga. But none of it really mattered until I understood how to use those things to discover my own path. I had to dig deep to figure out what I truly wanted and how I could make an impact, not just follow a pre-determined script.

It’s the same for all of us. You might have the most amazing tools, the most promising opportunities, but if you don’t understand how to use them or recognize their value, they’ll remain dormant. Whether it’s your talents, your time, or even your relationships—they’re all potential waiting to be tapped into.

And isn’t yoga the perfect metaphor for this? You have a body, you have a mind—wonderful gifts that are yours. But if you don’t use them fully, are you really living to your full potential? In yoga, we are constantly reminded of the connection between body and mind, but that connection only becomes powerful when we engage with it fully. You can show up on your mat, but if you don’t challenge yourself, breathe deeply, and push the boundaries of your limitations, you’re just going through the motions.

I remember one time, years into my yoga journey, when I realized the importance of doing a pose fully. I was in a Standing Bow Pose, and for months I had been holding back, thinking I was going deep enough. But one day, I committed to going just a little further, stretching my arm forward with purpose and kicking my leg back with intention. Suddenly, the whole pose transformed—it wasn’t just about balance or flexibility anymore. I felt an incredible sense of empowerment. The difference wasn’t in the shape of the pose, but in my willingness to use everything I had in that moment. My body, my breath, my focus—they all aligned to create something powerful.

That’s how life works.

You can have a body and a mind, but if you’re not using them to their fullest, are you truly living? In yoga, we learn to engage our bodies fully in every posture, to be present with our breath, and to observe our thoughts. It’s a practice in using what we already have, to its fullest potential.

We can have all the yoga books in the world, listen to all the meditation podcasts, buy all the meditation tapes, but how much does any of that matter if we don’t actually practice? I’m guilty of this too—I have to remind myself that just because I practiced yoga years ago, doesn’t mean the benefits will keep coming if I stop showing up. It’s a humbling reminder that we can’t coast on the past; we have to keep practicing.

Yoga is a living, breathing practice that requires our consistent participation.

The same is true in life. You can have all the knowledge, but if you don’t put it into action, it won’t serve you. If you have the ability to improve yourself, but you don’t take the steps, how can you expect to grow? And if you’ve been on this path before but stopped, it’s important to remember that the benefits don’t linger unless we keep investing in ourselves.

Whether it’s yoga or life, the message is the same: it’s about showing up, using what you have, and practicing consistently.

Because potential, no matter how great, means nothing if it’s not acted upon.

So here’s the question:

You’ve been given this incredible gift of a body, a mind, a life—are you using it fully?

Are you living at your full potential, or are you just going through the motions? What would it look like to step into the fullest expression of who you are, both on the mat and off?

The answer is already within you, just waiting for you to use it.



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