What’s More Important: Talent or Discipline?
What’s Greater: To Receive Love or to Share It?
The Aryans , The Indus Valley and Yoga
From Bikram to Sumits: My Journey of Evolution and Growth
Malasana: Why This Ancient Pose Still Works Wonders for Our Backs
"Asatoma Sadgamaya: A Journey from Darkness to Light"
Frequently Wrong but Never in Doubt: Lessons from Emmy Cleaves
The Meaning of Life
Wind-Relieving Pose: The Simple Yoga Practice Your Gut
Life and Evolution
Life in Full Spectrum: The Role of Polarity, Duality, and Relativity
The Prince Who Found His Way
The Dance of Masculine and Feminine
The Prodigal Son and Finding My Way Back to Yoga
"The Diamond in the Rough: How Self-Belief Can Change Everything"
"Broken Open: How Pain Can Deepen Our Capacity to Love"
"The Elephant in the Room: Rethinking What Yoga Really Is"
My greatest Shift in thinking
The Beauty of Camel and Rabbit pose
The meaning of my name - Sumit